Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Blog

  • We will be having a lockdown drill involving students on this Friday, April 4th at 10:05.  See Schedule below.

For this drill our focus will be on locking the doors and hiding the children in an interior barricade. Please have your walkie-talkie with you and/or cell phone. We will only stay hidden for 5 minutes before I will call the all clear. At that point, please evacuate to the outside field for roll. You are not expected to barricade the door but you should cover the windows as much as possible.

A note has been sent to parents about the drill so that they can talk with their children about it.

I have talked to a number of knowledgeable people and thought a lot about how to present this to children, especially our younger ones. The goal is to make this procedure, like what we do for fire or earthquake drills, feel somewhat routine. That way, children will know what is expected in a real situation. We should not make a game of something that is so serious. Instead, we should be very matter-of-fact.

 “Here at school we practice drills to keep everyone safe. For a lockdown drill, we need to hide silently inside to keep safe. Here is how we do that in our class.”

You do not need to go into what the danger is outside or explain. I know that students may ask or want to tell. Just let them know that this is what we do for this drill to keep safe – lock the door, gather in this area, stay as quiet as possible.

Schedule for drill:
·      10:05 – Announcements (phone and walkie-talkies) and blasts on air horn. Admin watches areas rather than taking part. They check to see that doors are locked and if they can see children.
·      10:15 – All clear announced. Classes evacuate to outside field.
·      10:20 – Roll is done followed by dismissal back to class.

 Please feel free to email me questions or come talk to me about your ideas/concerns.


  • To Access the color copier from a computer:

First: run Managed Software Updates

To run Managed Software Updates, go to Finder - Applications - Utilities- click on the Managed Software Update. 

Inline image 1
Follow the prompts to download and install. You may choose to install by logging out of not. If you have to restart, you will be prompted to do so. 

Once the install is complete, you will have all the up-to-date printer drivers to make printing work. 

Second: Select RM2_Sharp_MX6240N

Open the document you wish to print, select RM2_Sharp_MX6240N. 

*Once you have selected the printer, click on the Copies and Pages drop down menu. 
Select Job Handling.

Inline image 2
Select Authentication.
Inline image 3

Click on the button next to user number. Then type in your 5 digit code for copying. 

Click Print. 

*You will have to do each of the bolded steps every time you wish to print to the copier. Otherwise, the print job will not go through.