Friday, September 27, 2013

How to Install a Printer to your Computer

How to install the correct printers on your computer.

You may  have a list of printers on your computers that are outdated and no longer operational.  

Each computer must have the correct driver on it in order to be able to print to the corresponding printer.

We have created a naming convention that helps you know which printer is the correct printer.

In order to make this process problem-free, we have reconfigured all printers and their correct drivers to work on the school computers. We are not finished with all printers but the most universally used ones are now accessible.

Right now, the only printer students can print to is the printer in the computer lab. The only name that works is RM17_HP_4200

No other variation of the computer lab printer works.  Note that none of the printers in the image below, is correct.

To install the correct printer, go to spotlight and type in Managed Software Updates.

Note that  Software Update  under the black apple will not provide you with the correct printer driver.

Managed Software updates will check for all available updates.

A list of available updates will open.
Click on Update now

You will be prompted to log out and install  or   install without logging out.  
Select log out and install. Otherwise, it will not work.

After you log out and attempt to  log back in, the install will begin. Allow the update to run and then you will be allowed to log in. The printer should now be on your computer. It may not appear as the default choice but if you click on the pull down menu, you will see RM17_HP_4200 as a choice.

You can run Managed software Update again, and the incorrect printers will be deleted from your choices.

Besides the updates that will be loaded on your computers, you will also periodically get a notice for optional updates when you run Managed Software Updates.

MIddle School Teachers: Please share this information with your students. Many students who say they have run Managed Software Update, have not and then encounter problems with printing. They may think they ran MSU by going to the Black apple in the toolbar and selecting Software Update. They are two different things and software update no longer works accurately.


September Faculty Blog

Hi all,

Here is the September Faculty Blog.

Admissions: Open Houses are set for October 26, December 4 and January 18. Two are Saturdays and one is a Wednesday. There are several ECE weekday open house dates scheduled in the spring.

The first Enrollment Open House of the year will be Saturday, October 26 from 10-12. Tours begin now and applications will be open for 14-15 on November 1.



Homework reminders:
The question of homework has come up in multiple ways.  As stated in the Parent Handbook, we do not give assignments early when families go on vacations. Students may certainly read or keep a journal while they are gone. If there is an ongoing project, the student may work on it independently. The point is that the assignments are not meaningful without the instruction that precedes them. The more consistent we are with this, the better for all.

Additionally, we do not assign homework on weekends or vacations.  The students and families need time away and time to spend together.  At the same time, struggling students, may benefit from some extra time to work on projects, spelling lists, or reading. If this is confusing, please talk with either Cecilia or Gary.

Conference Day notes:
Enrichment teachers should be on campus on Monday and Tuesday (Conference Days), per their regular teaching schedule. Parents may drop in.  Otherwise, enjoy this time for planning and collaborating.

ECE and Elem - the conference schedule is being passed - please be sure it keeps moving.  Thank you.

Other PSA news:
So you know, the PSA has made a few adjustments to their budget.  We will no longer sell scrip and will not host restaurant nights this year (too many volunteer hours as compared to the money earned).  At the same time, they will cover the cost of class plays (considered a curriculum expense).  Parents should not be asked to contribute financially in any way to costumes.  Of course, the parents will continue to give many hours of their time. PSA will also pay for major class events, like Pioneer Day and Native American Day.  PSA is working closely with admin to minimize the number of asks from the families.  

Fund Run Prizes
Thank you for your enthusiasm and support on Fund Run and spirit week.  The campus was certainly full of energy, and we trust that the outcome will be adequate funds for our PSA events. 
This year, after hearing from some students and talking with the faculty last year, the Fund Run organizers did away with class prizes for (ice cream parties, free dress, and movie tickets). They also decided not to make a big announcement about this. So your student might still be expecting something. You can let them know that the challenge this year is for the school to reach its fund raising goal, $40,000, which is higher than ever before as a goal. Upon reaching the goal, which will be announced at the assembly, a treat is planned for that day. Also, we will have a special celebration later, which will involve Free Dress and hopefully something else (I’m working on that). Thanks, Gary.
Earthquake Drill (October 18th)
Due to the drill we had that was unplanned, I have canceled the fire drill on September 30th. Our next drill is on October 18th at 9:30. This is an announced drill so let your students know and explain to them what to do for the drill and in the case of an earthquake (Drop, Cover, and Hold). Unfortunately, this year we are not able to have our drill on the same day as the Great ShakeOut, which is on October 17th. Thanks, Gary.
Special Person’s Day (October 17th)
We have Special Perosn’s Day every two years , although we sometimes miss a year. We will be having one this year on October 17th.  The schedule for the day and note that went out to parents is below.
What: Special Personsʼ Day and Picnic
When: Thursday, October 17th 2013 " 10 am - 12:30pm
Where: Almaden Country School
The Details: Special Personsʼ Day is an opportunity for your child(ren) to invite someone to Almaden Country School to share their school experience. That person can be any special person in your childʼs life - a relative, friend, neighbor, or favorite babysitter. The schedule for the day is:
·      10:00 a.m. Registration

·      10:15 a.m.Welcome in Auditorium/Keynote Speech by Nan Hunter, ACS Founder
·      11:00 a.m. Head to classrooms
·      11:40 a.m. Picnic Lunch
Families bring bag or picnic lunches to eat on the blacktop at tables provided by the school. Uncle Ray’s will operate that day to provide lunch to those students who have ordered lunch. Fresh fruit and cookies will be provided for dessert.
·      12:30 p.m. Students return to class
 Junior Kindergarten and Begindergarten students may be picked up as usual or stay in the classroom for an extra period from 11:00-11:40 a.m. to show their Special Persons the class before participating in the lunch with everyone else.
Kindergarten students who participate in Special Persons’ Day lunch must return to their classroom at 12:15 p.m. for closing circle and dismissal.
There is another small part of the day involving how students will pick up their Special Guest. Since we are still finalizing that, I will let you know via email. Thanks, Gary
STEM at ACS Parent Ed Night
On October 9th at 7:00 the school will have its first parent education night of the year. The focus of the night will be about STEM education at ACS. It is going to be a very cool evening in which parents will be doing activities from our science and technology curriculum as the best way to learn about what we do and what STEM really is. Elizabeth Pombo, Julie Hackett, Barbara DeMoss, Kaitlyn Howell, and Mary Beth Gay will all be preparing and running activities involving plants, water, wind, microscopes, computers, and problem solving. Then we will discuss STEM and Dr. J will make connections with 21st century skills. It promises to be a great evening and you are certainly all invited to come. Thanks, Gary

Middle School Teachers:
Please remind your students to log out at the end of the day. I was in a classroom this week after school doing an update and two computers out of the cart were logged out. All others were still  logged in and many had documents open. These documents will not sync to the server if they are open on the desktop. 
Thanks, Mary Beth
How to install printers:
I have attached an illustration instruction sheet on how to install printers onto a computer in .pdf format. If another format will work better, let me know and I will send it again. 
Mary Beth
Howtoinstallthecorrectprintersonyourcomputer (1).pdf
728K   View   Download  

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hazard Inventory and Medical Audit

Classroom Hazard Inventory
Please remember to fill out the hazard inventory form that was given out as part of the emergency procedures packet during in service. You need to fill this out for wherever you work at school; offices, labs, and classrooms. When done, turn the form into the folder in the box on Gary’s door.

Medical Condition Preparation Audit
As part of our new guidelines and procedures concerning serious allergies and medical conditions, Veronica Garrido will be doing an audit to be sure we have completed all the steps and have everything in place.  As part of this, she will be checking to make sure that all medications and directions are in place, including in classrooms. Vero will be working on this audit over the next week or so.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Article - from Mindsteps

While this article was written for new teachers, I believe it has something for everyone.  Hope you enjoy.

Mindsteps Mentor: Advice for New Teachers

Mindsteps™ Mentor
Mindsteps™ Mentor
Dear New Teachers,
Each school day provides you with an opportunity to impact lives and determine direction through your relationships with students. It is a privilege. You can honor your students each day by presenting yourself as a genuine, positive, friendly adult model who demonstrates knowledge of your subject, enthusiasm for learning, and favorable human interaction.
Honoring your students requires you to remember that you are constantly on display for your audience. Despite occasional disinterest or general apathy toward labor, your students will carefully examine your style, your mannerisms, and your preparation. They will test you for inaccuracies and contradictions, and they will challenge your knowledge and focus with individual and group treachery.
Students learn best and work hardest for teachers who honor them by being friendly without necessarily being a friend, who challenge without discouraging, and who persuade, prod, and provide without growing weary despite the many requirements and tasks facing teachers. The vigilant teacher learns to recognize those who need attention and reinforcement, and that vigilance begins on the first day and never ends.
You will eventually determine a reasonable and fair view of assessing your students’ work. The time-consuming labor is often completed late at night or on weekends when your interests lie elsewhere and can often be the most discouraging element of teaching. Remember to use your grading for growth and not punishment, and think of your time spent in evaluating student work as a measurement of your skills as well as your students’ progress. Adjust, revise, and re-connect based on how the students perform. Your flexibility will save headache and heartache.
You will be surrounded by colleagues who will provide anything you need and much that you do not need or want. Be appreciative of all of them, and refine your radar toward those who connect with their students and demonstrate professionalism. Your best strategies and suggestions are likely to come from informal or unplanned interaction with colleagues rather than in formal training settings. Work, plan, and study with others. Seek out those who might help you grow in your craft and remember that a solution lies down the hall or around the corner, but you won’t find those solutions in the isolation of your classroom. Find those mentors.
Have fun. Teaching, done right, is never boring. Your students will see to that. With so many personalities at your hand every day, and with your well-organized lessons and activities guiding the learning process, things happen!
Enjoy the serious and comical mixing with the lethargic and the swift. With you at the controls in your classroom, carefully monitoring and guiding your students’ growth, the weeks will fly by as the school years accumulate, and your relationships with your former students and colleagues will develop into rich friendships. I wish you all the best in your new profession: teaching – the BEST profession.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Nan Hunter (our Founder) will be visiting campus during the week of October 14.  Nan will spend time in classrooms, visiting with us, and generally taking in everything wonderful about our school. Look forward to visiting with her and sharing your magic. She will also meet with the special people on Special Person's Day, October 17.

Please let your students know that I want to hear about their accomplishments.  In an effort to continue building community and our learning culture, I have a treasure box and am happy to trade a story for a treasure (mostly school supplies).  These accomplishments can be anything - studying hard for a test, turning in homework more consistently, helping a friend, trying something new, performing in a recital - anything!  Please encourage them to find me on campus to share their source of pride.